Meet The Team

Our run leaders come from a diverse range of academic backgrounds at UofT and all have a passion for running and community-building!

Emily Nguyen


Year and Program of Study: 3rd year Medicine

Why I run/lead with UTRC: Previously a ballet dancer for 13 years, I joined the UTRC in January 2019 as a New Years resolution to try a different sport. At the beginning, I couldn’t run for more than ten minutes but over the past few years, running has become a big part of my life. It helps me destress, explore Toronto, and meet incredible people all at the same time! I love leading runs because I want to provide runners (especially beginners like I once was), a safe and encouraging space to start their running journey.

My ideal run: Trinity Bellwoods on a sunny fall day.

Who, dead or alive, would you like to have a coffee with? Audrey Hepburn because she’s such a classy and timeless icon.

Would you rather be allergic to chocolate or fries? Chocolate. I love potatoes too much and couldn’t imagine a life without them.

Ashim Bhattacharya


Year and Program of Study: 2nd year Master’s in Pharmacology

Why I run/lead with UTRC: My journey with running started in 2018 when I used it as a way to lose weight. It has since evolved as a way to meet new people, maintain my mental health, and fitness level. As someone who has been at UofT for 6 years, I hope to help others join a low-barrier to access, welcoming, and inclusive community through the UTRC that can be very difficult to find in such a large and alienating school.

My ideal run: Night run through Ontario Place (before construction).

How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real? How did you find out? I think I was 6 or so. I could tell from the adult conversations and movies that Santa was not real.

What would you do if you won 1 million dollars? Buy myself a new Laptop and desktop. Get myself one of those ultra-comfy self-adjusting beds. Buy a Canada Goose Coat. Invest the rest.

Cameron Goss

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: Co-op year Civil Engineering

Why I run/lead with UTRC: For me, running has always been a component of my fitness goals and part of how I keep up my mental health. When I joined the Run Club in my first year, I realized that running could be an incredible social activity as well. Since then, I have grown to really value the conversations and friends at Run Club. It’s a great time, hope to see you all on Monday nights!

My ideal run: Running with light rain on a lakeside trail at 5:30 in the morning.

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken? Put my dirtbike and myself into a tree 🙂

What is your go-to comfort food? Steak and ‘Taters.

Ana Maria Guevara

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: 3rd year undergrad in Economics, International Relations and Business German

Why I run/lead with UTRC: As I started running in Grade 9 with the cross country team, I not only started to love running but also doing it with a group. The social butterfly in me never gets tired of meeting new people when leading. Running always makes me feel good, healthy and happy, but getting through the run struggle is better together with a group.

My ideal run: Exploring a new city with its different parks and alleys whenever I travel.

If you could live anywhere in the world, what city would you choose? Munich because I could do spontaneous road-trips to the Alps, many cities in Europe feel close within train distance, and I could practice German 🙂

Who would you like to switch places with for a day? Hermione Granger and live all my magic and Hogwarts dreams for once.

Javier Mencia

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: 3rd year undergrad in Math and Stats

Why I run/lead with UTRC: I started running during my first semester at UofT, following the advice of my Algebra professor, who advised my class to maximize sunlight as the days were getting shorter. Running has taught me the power of consistent effort over time. Almost two years later, I have completed several half marathons and triathlons, which are things I could only dream of. The UTRC has allowed me to meet incredible people with whom I have shared many kilometers, as well as plenty of coffees after cold weekend runs. Now, as I take on the role of run leader, I’m excited to promote running within the UofT community and to help others accomplish their running goals.

My ideal run: Any run through the David Balfour Park trail!

What is the coolest place you have travelled? Frontenac Provincial park near Kingston, it’s full of spectacular lakes and trails.

What is your favourite breakfast food? Chocolate pancakes after a run.

Jayda Ayriss

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: 3rd year undergrad in Health & Disease and Bioethics

Why I run/lead with UTRC: Running has always been a part of my life and so many of my fondest memories come from my time running. I love the sport for its ability to challenge me both mentally and physically. I also love running for the strong sense of camaraderie it cultivates. There’s nothing like getting through a hard run with someone beside you to conquer it with! UTRC is such a great place to create memories and build camaraderie and I am so happy to be a part of that!

My ideal run: The Sherwood Park trails just north of Yonge and Eglinton!

What is one thing on your bucket list? To run the half marathon around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

What fictional universe would you wish to visit? Hogwarts, so I can play a game of quidditch.

Kevin Zhu

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: 3rd year undergrad in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Why I run/lead with UTRC: I enjoy running because you can easily vary what you get out of a run. UTRC and its people made me miss aspects of highschool cross-country and it pushed me to be consistent enough to enter races again. As a run leader, I want to help foster greater interest in achieving consistency and encourage goal-setting no matter your level. UTRC is a better way to connect with others than LinkedIn!

My ideal run: Any route that includes Rosedale Valley!

What 3 items would you take with you on a deserted island? A bunch of seeds, a gardening hoe, and a fishing rod. Gotta start building your civilization from somewhere whilst getting your macros.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know? I’ve never tried alcohol before (until this past July, it’s still horrible).

Melissa Suma

Run Leader

Year and Program of Study: 4th year undergrad in Fundamental Genetics

Why I run/lead with UTRC: I run because I enjoy the rhythm and the mental/physical challenge of the sport. Leading with UTRC has been a great way to connect with the community and explore Toronto — I look forward to another year!

My ideal run: For summers in Toronto, the waterfront trails are my go-to.

Who is your favourite musical artist? Constantly changing, but Florence + The Machine. P.S. I love to get new recommendations!

If you were a superhero, what power would you have? Wishing for a photographic memory every time I have to take an exam.